Hotel Air Conditioning Guide: Why you need it and which type to choose

When your customers book their hotel stay, they are signing up to a luxurious, comfortable and relaxing escape. Temperature plays a central role in how comfortable we feel so having the right type of air conditioning installed in your hotel is essential.

Rooms that are too hot or cold are some of the biggest reasons, hotel guests leave negative feedback. If your guests are forced to sleep in a room that is too warm or too cool they will neither enjoy their stay or get a good night’s sleep. 

The last thing any hotelier wants are tired and disgruntled guests. You want your hotel to be a home away from home, so the installation of quality commercial air conditioning should be a top priority for any hotelier. 

If your hotel is in a location like London where the weather is particularly changeable, you’ll need to ensure your air conditioning system is really versatile.

Let’s take a look at why air conditioning is essential to the hotel industry and how you can ensure you buy the right type of commercial air conditioning for your hotel. 

Why hotel air conditioning is important:

You may be surprised to learn almost 1 in 4 complaints about hotel stays are to do with rooms that were too hot or cold. According to,‘ 24% or nearly ¼ of all guest complaints have to do with room temperature’.

This is a huge statistic and the figure rises when the data is whittled down to the results for London hotels. Consider the impact of these complaints on your hotel’s reputation not to mention staff time used in managing each unhappy customer. It is clear that choosing the right type of air conditioning system is an important decision for any hotelier.

The correct choice of commercial air conditioning unit is key because in many cases, hotels do have air conditioning installed, however the type of air conditioning in place is not fit for purpose or poorly maintained.

When air conditioning units are not properly maintained, they won’t perform at their best and may be noisy or leak. Always ensure you keep up to date with scheduled services and maintenance.

How to choose the right type of hotel air conditioning:

Whether your business is in a busy city like hotels in London or a UK countryside idyll, the type of commercial air conditioning you choose will depend on a number of factors, including: the installation method, WiFi compatibility, whether the system is centrally controlled and more. 

Let’s take a look at this quick and easy guide to hotel air conditioning.

Centrally controlled air conditioning (VTAC): Centrally controlled air conditioning systems are quiet, discreet and easy to manage. 

However, a centrally controlled system will put the bulk of the control in your hands rather than your guests. Allowing you to limit and control the temperature in your guest’s rooms may sound like a great way to prevent over-use but there is a danger your guests may endure uncomfortable temperatures in silence.

Lots of people don’t want to make a fuss or are too tired to complain so you may find out too late that your guests had a bad night’s sleep because the temperature in their room wasn’t right.

Every guest has their own interpretation of a comfortable room temperature so if guests do complain, ensure your staff are trained to make the necessary adjustments quickly. Similarly, it is also good practice to make sure each guest understands how their room temperature can be adjusted. 

Condenserless air conditioning: Condenserless air conditioning is a top contemporary choice for hotel air conditioning systems. 

Condenserless air conditioning is really quiet and quick and easy to install into an existing A/C system. Additionally, condenserless systems don’t require the attachment of an unsightly external condenser to the exterior of your hotel and the temperature of each room can be quickly controlled via WiFi technology.

Split air conditioning: Split air conditioning is another top type of commercial air conditioning. With the condenser hidden away outside, split air conditioning systems are quiet and well-liked for their energy efficiency.

Split air conditioning units can be installed in a number of different locations within the room, such as on the ceiling or against the wall. However the need to attach the air conditioning unit inside the room does put many people off because it affects the room’s aesthetic.

• Through the wall air conditioning: Through the wall air conditioning is an older type of air conditioning that is no longer allowed under EU regulation. 

Although it was an affordable solution for smaller spaces, through the wall air conditioning was noisy. It also meant units were positioned on walls and the energy consumption levels were high so if you are a London or UK hotel, this won’t be one for you. 

If you are still unsure which type of air conditioning is right for your hotel in London, or would like to discuss your commercial or domestic air conditioning needs, give us a call on 0207 561 8865.

We provide expert air conditioning installation, maintenance and repairs across Islington, north London, central London and all other London boroughs. 

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